Fastify 中文文档 (v4.27.0)
Table of contents
- Errors
- Error Handling In Node.js
- Errors In Fastify
- Errors In Fastify Lifecycle Hooks And A Custom Error Handler
- Fastify Error Codes
Error Handling In Node.js
Uncaught Errors
In Node.js, uncaught errors are likely to cause memory leaks, file descriptor leaks, and other major production issues. Domains were a failed attempt to fix this.
Given that it is not possible to process all uncaught errors sensibly, the best way to deal with them is to crash.
Catching Errors In Promises
If you are using promises, you should attach a .catch()
handler synchronously.
Errors In Fastify
Fastify follows an all-or-nothing approach and aims to be lean and optimal as much as possible. The developer is responsible for making sure that the errors are handled properly.
Errors In Input Data
Most errors are a result of unexpected input data, so we recommend validating your input data against a JSON schema.
Catching Uncaught Errors In Fastify
Fastify tries to catch as many uncaught errors as it can without hindering performance. This includes:
- synchronous routes, e.g.
app.get('/', () => { throw new Error('kaboom') })
routes,'/', async () => { throw new Error('kaboom') })
The error in both cases will be caught safely and routed to Fastify's default error handler for a generic 500 Internal Server Error
To customize this behavior you should use setErrorHandler
Errors In Fastify Lifecycle Hooks And A Custom Error Handler
From the Hooks documentation:
If you get an error during the execution of your hook, just pass it to
and Fastify will automatically close the request and send the appropriate error code to the user.
When a custom error handler has been defined through setErrorHandler
, the custom error handler will receive the error passed to the done()
callback (or through other supported automatic error handling mechanisms). If setErrorHandler
has been used multiple times to define multiple handlers, the error will be routed to the most precedent handler defined within the error encapsulation context. Error handlers are fully encapsulated, so a setErrorHandler
call within a plugin will limit the error handler to that plugin's context.
The root error handler is Fastify's generic error handler. This error handler will use the headers and status code in the Error
object, if they exist. The headers and status code will not be automatically set if a custom error handler is provided.
Some things to consider in your custom error handler:
you can
, which will behave as it would in regular route handlers- objects are serialized, triggering the
lifecycle hook if you have one defined - strings, buffers, and streams are sent to the client, with appropriate headers (no serialization)
- objects are serialized, triggering the
You can throw a new error in your custom error handler - errors (new error or the received error parameter re-thrown) - will call the parent
hook will be triggered once only for the first error being thrown.- an error will not be triggered twice from a lifecycle hook - Fastify internally monitors the error invocation to avoid infinite loops for errors thrown in the reply phases of the lifecycle. (those after the route handler)
When utilizing Fastify's custom error handling through setErrorHandler
, you should be aware of how errors are propagated between custom and default error handlers.
If a plugin's error handler re-throws an error, and the error is not an instance of Error (as seen in the /bad
route in the following example), it will not propagate to the parent context error handler. Instead, it will be caught by the default error handler.
To ensure consistent error handling, it is recommended to throw instances of Error
. For instance, in the following example, replacing throw 'foo'
with throw new Error('foo')
in the /bad
route ensures that errors propagate through the custom error handling chain as intended. This practice helps avoid potential pitfalls when working with custom error handling in Fastify.
For example:
const Fastify = require('fastify')
// Instantiate the framework
const fastify = Fastify({
logger: true
// Register parent error handler
fastify.setErrorHandler((error, request, reply) => {
reply.status(500).send({ ok: false })
fastify.register((app, options, next) => {
// Register child error handler
fastify.setErrorHandler((error, request, reply) => {
throw error
fastify.get('/bad', async () => {
// Throws a non-Error type, 'bar'
throw 'foo'
fastify.get('/good', async () => {
// Throws an Error instance, 'bar'
throw new Error('bar')
// Run the server
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
// Server is listening at ${address}
Fastify Error Codes
You can access errorCodes
for mapping:
// ESM
import { errorCodes } from 'fastify'
// CommonJs
const errorCodes = require('fastify').errorCodes
For example:
const Fastify = require('fastify')
// Instantiate the framework
const fastify = Fastify({
logger: true
// Declare a route
fastify.get('/', function (request, reply) {
reply.code('bad status code').send({ hello: 'world' })
fastify.setErrorHandler(function (error, request, reply) {
if (error instanceof Fastify.errorCodes.FST_ERR_BAD_STATUS_CODE) {
// Log error
// Send error response
reply.status(500).send({ ok: false })
} else {
// fastify will use parent error handler to handle this
// Run the server!
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
// Server is now listening on ${address}
Below is a table with all the error codes that Fastify uses.
Code | Description | How to solve | Discussion |
FST_ERR_NOT_FOUND | 404 Not Found | - | #1168 |
FST_ERR_OPTIONS_NOT_OBJ | Fastify options wrongly specified. | Fastify options should be an object. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_QSP_NOT_FN | QueryStringParser wrongly specified. | QueryStringParser option should be a function. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_SCHEMA_CONTROLLER_BUCKET_OPT_NOT_FN | SchemaController.bucket wrongly specified. | SchemaController.bucket option should be a function. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_SCHEMA_ERROR_FORMATTER_NOT_FN | SchemaErrorFormatter option wrongly specified. | SchemaErrorFormatter option should be a non async function. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_AJV_CUSTOM_OPTIONS_OPT_NOT_OBJ | ajv.customOptions wrongly specified. | ajv.customOptions option should be an object. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_AJV_CUSTOM_OPTIONS_OPT_NOT_ARR | ajv.plugins option wrongly specified. | ajv.plugins option should be an array. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_VERSION_CONSTRAINT_NOT_STR | Version constraint wrongly specified. | Version constraint should be a string. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_CTP_ALREADY_PRESENT | The parser for this content type was already registered. | Use a different content type or delete the already registered parser. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_TYPE | Content-Type wrongly specified | The Content-Type should be a string. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_EMPTY_TYPE | Content-Type is an empty string. | Content-Type cannot be an empty string. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_HANDLER | Invalid handler for the content type. | Use a different handler. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_PARSE_TYPE | The provided parse type is not supported. | Accepted values are string or buffer . | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_BODY_TOO_LARGE | The request body is larger than the provided limit. | Increase the limit in the Fastify server instance setting: bodyLimit | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE | The received media type is not supported (i.e. there is no suitable Content-Type parser for it). | Use a different content type. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH | Request body size did not match Content-Length . | Check the request body size and the Content-Length header. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_CTP_EMPTY_JSON_BODY | Body cannot be empty when content-type is set to application/json . | Check the request body. | #1253 |
FST_ERR_CTP_INSTANCE_ALREADY_STARTED | Fastify is already started. | - | #4554 |
FST_ERR_INSTANCE_ALREADY_LISTENING | Fastify instance is already listening. | - | #4554 |
FST_ERR_DEC_ALREADY_PRESENT | A decorator with the same name is already registered. | Use a different decorator name. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_DEC_DEPENDENCY_INVALID_TYPE | The dependencies of decorator must be of type Array . | Use an array for the dependencies. | #3090 |
FST_ERR_DEC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY | The decorator cannot be registered due to a missing dependency. | Register the missing dependency. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_DEC_AFTER_START | The decorator cannot be added after start. | Add the decorator before starting the server. | #2128 |
FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_TYPE | The hook name must be a string. | Use a string for the hook name. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER | The hook callback must be a function. | Use a function for the hook callback. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_ASYNC_HANDLER | Async function has too many arguments. Async hooks should not use the done argument. | Remove the done argument from the async hook. | #4367 |
FST_ERR_HOOK_NOT_SUPPORTED | The hook is not supported. | Use a supported hook. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_MISSING_MIDDLEWARE | You must register a plugin for handling middlewares, visit Middleware for more info. | Register a plugin for handling middlewares. | #2014 |
FST_ERR_HOOK_TIMEOUT | A callback for a hook timed out. | Increase the timeout for the hook. | #3106 |
FST_ERR_LOG_INVALID_DESTINATION | The logger does not accept the specified destination. | Use a 'stream' or a 'file' as the destination. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_LOG_INVALID_LOGGER | The logger should have all these methods: 'info' , 'error' , 'debug' , 'fatal' , 'warn' , 'trace' , 'child' . | Use a logger with all the required methods. | #4520 |
FST_ERR_REP_INVALID_PAYLOAD_TYPE | Reply payload can be either a string or a Buffer . | Use a string or a Buffer for the payload. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_REP_RESPONSE_BODY_CONSUMED | Using Response as reply payload, but the body is being consumed. | Make sure you don't consume the Response.body | #5286 |
FST_ERR_REP_ALREADY_SENT | A response was already sent. | - | #1336 |
FST_ERR_REP_SENT_VALUE | The only possible value for reply.sent is true . | - | #1336 |
FST_ERR_SEND_INSIDE_ONERR | You cannot use send inside the onError hook. | - | #1348 |
FST_ERR_SEND_UNDEFINED_ERR | Undefined error has occurred. | - | #2074 |
FST_ERR_BAD_STATUS_CODE | The status code is not valid. | Use a valid status code. | #2082 |
FST_ERR_BAD_TRAILER_NAME | Called reply.trailer with an invalid header name. | Use a valid header name. | #3794 |
FST_ERR_BAD_TRAILER_VALUE | Called reply.trailer with an invalid type. Expected a function. | Use a function. | #3794 |
FST_ERR_FAILED_ERROR_SERIALIZATION | Failed to serialize an error. | - | #4601 |
FST_ERR_MISSING_SERIALIZATION_FN | Missing serialization function. | Add a serialization function. | #3970 |
FST_ERR_MISSING_CONTENTTYPE_SERIALIZATION_FN | Missing Content-Type serialization function. | Add a serialization function. | #4264 |
FST_ERR_REQ_INVALID_VALIDATION_INVOCATION | Invalid validation invocation. Missing validation function for HTTP part nor schema provided. | Add a validation function. | #3970 |
FST_ERR_SCH_MISSING_ID | The schema provided does not have $id property. | Add a $id property. | #1168 |
FST_ERR_SCH_ALREADY_PRESENT | A schema with the same $id already exists. | Use a different $id . | #1168 |
FST_ERR_SCH_CONTENT_MISSING_SCHEMA | A schema is missing for the corresponding content type. | Add a schema. | #4264 |
FST_ERR_SCH_DUPLICATE | Schema with the same attribute already present! | Use a different attribute. | #1954 |
FST_ERR_SCH_VALIDATION_BUILD | The JSON schema provided for validation to a route is not valid. | Fix the JSON schema. | #2023 |
FST_ERR_SCH_SERIALIZATION_BUILD | The JSON schema provided for serialization of a route response is not valid. | Fix the JSON schema. | #2023 |
FST_ERR_SCH_RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_NESTED_2XX | Response schemas should be nested under a valid status code (2XX). | Use a valid status code. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_VERSION | HTTP2 is available only from node >= 8.8.1. | Use a higher version of node. | #1346 |
FST_ERR_INIT_OPTS_INVALID | Invalid initialization options. | Use valid initialization options. | #1471 |
FST_ERR_FORCE_CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_IDLE_NOT_AVAILABLE | Cannot set forceCloseConnections to idle as your HTTP server does not support closeIdleConnections method. | Use a different value for forceCloseConnections . | #3925 |
FST_ERR_DUPLICATED_ROUTE | The HTTP method already has a registered controller for that URL. | Use a different URL or register the controller for another HTTP method. | #2954 |
FST_ERR_BAD_URL | The router received an invalid URL. | Use a valid URL. | #2106 |
FST_ERR_ASYNC_CONSTRAINT | The router received an error when using asynchronous constraints. | - | #4323 |
FST_ERR_DEFAULT_ROUTE_INVALID_TYPE | The defaultRoute type should be a function. | Use a function for the defaultRoute . | #2733 |
FST_ERR_INVALID_URL | URL must be a string. | Use a string for the URL. | #3653 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_OPTIONS_NOT_OBJ | Options for the route must be an object. | Use an object for the route options. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_DUPLICATED_HANDLER | Duplicate handler for the route is not allowed. | Use a different handler. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_HANDLER_NOT_FN | Handler for the route must be a function. | Use a function for the handler. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_MISSING_HANDLER | Missing handler function for the route. | Add a handler function. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_METHOD_INVALID | Method is not a valid value. | Use a valid value for the method. | #4750 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED | Method is not supported for the route. | Use a supported method. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_BODY_VALIDATION_SCHEMA_NOT_SUPPORTED | Body validation schema route is not supported. | Use a different different method for the route. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_BODY_LIMIT_OPTION_NOT_INT | bodyLimit option must be an integer. | Use an integer for the bodyLimit option. | #4554 |
FST_ERR_ROUTE_REWRITE_NOT_STR | rewriteUrl needs to be of type string . | Use a string for the rewriteUrl . | #4554 |
FST_ERR_REOPENED_CLOSE_SERVER | Fastify has already been closed and cannot be reopened. | - | #2415 |
FST_ERR_REOPENED_SERVER | Fastify is already listening. | - | #2415 |
FST_ERR_PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH | Installed Fastify plugin mismatched expected version. | Use a compatible version of the plugin. | #2549 |
FST_ERR_PLUGIN_CALLBACK_NOT_FN | Callback for a hook is not a function. | Use a function for the callback. | #3106 |
FST_ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_VALID | Plugin must be a function or a promise. | Use a function or a promise for the plugin. | #3106 |
FST_ERR_ROOT_PLG_BOOTED | Root plugin has already booted. | - | #3106 |
FST_ERR_PARENT_PLUGIN_BOOTED | Impossible to load plugin because the parent (mapped directly from avvio ) | - | #3106 |
FST_ERR_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT | Plugin did not start in time. | Increase the timeout for the plugin. | #3106 |
FST_ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_PRESENT_IN_INSTANCE | The decorator is not present in the instance. | - | #4554 |
FST_ERR_VALIDATION | The Request failed the payload validation. | Check the request payload. | #4824 |
FST_ERR_LISTEN_OPTIONS_INVALID | Invalid listen options. | Check the listen options. | #4886 |
FST_ERR_ERROR_HANDLER_NOT_FN | Error Handler must be a function | Provide a function to setErrorHandler . | #5317 |