Fastify 中文文档 (master)
Core Documents
For the full table of contents (TOC), see below. The following list is a subset of the full TOC that detail core Fastify APIs and concepts in order of most likely importance to the reader:
- Server: Documents the core Fastify API. Includes documentation for the factory function and the object returned by the factory function.
- Lifecycle: Explains the Fastify request lifecycle and illustrates where Hooks are available for integrating with it.
- Routes: Details how to register routes with Fastify and how Fastify builds and evaluates the routing trie.
- Request: Details Fastify's request object that is passed into each request handler.
- Reply: Details Fastify's response object available to each request handler.
- Validation and Serialization: Details Fastify's support for validating incoming data and how Fastify serializes data for responses.
- Plugins: Explains Fastify's plugin architecture and API.
- Encapsulation: Explains a core concept upon which all Fastify plugins are built.
- Decorators: Explains the server, request, and response decorator APIs.
- Hooks: Details the API by which Fastify plugins can inject themselves into Fastify's handling of the request lifecycle.
Reference Documentation Table Of Contents
This table of contents is in alphabetical order.
- Content Type Parser: Documents Fastify's default content type parser and how to add support for new content types.
- Decorators: Explains the server, request, and response decorator APIs.
- Encapsulation: Explains a core concept upon which all Fastify plugins are built.
- Errors: Details how Fastify handles errors and lists the standard set of errors Fastify generates.
- Hooks: Details the API by which Fastify plugins can inject themselves into Fastify's handling of the request lifecycle.
- HTTP2: Details Fastify's HTTP2 support.
- Lifecycle: Explains the Fastify request lifecycle and illustrates where Hooks are available for integrating with it.
- Logging: Details Fastify's included logging and how to customize it.
- Long Term Support: Explains Fastify's long term support (LTS) guarantee and the exceptions possible to the semver contract.
- Middleware: Details Fastify's support for Express.js style middleware.
- Plugins: Explains Fastify's plugin architecture and API.
- Reply: Details Fastify's response object available to each request handler.
- Request: Details Fastify's request object that is passed into each request handler.
- Routes: Details how to register routes with Fastify and how Fastify builds and evaluates the routing trie.
- Server: Documents the core Fastify API. Includes documentation for the factory function and the object returned by the factory function.
- TypeScript: Documents Fastify's TypeScript support and provides recommendations for writing applications in TypeScript that utilize Fastify.
- Validation and Serialization: Details Fastify's support for validating incoming data and how Fastify serializes data for responses.
- Warnings: Details the warnings Fastify emits and how to solve them.